Outdoor Cat Clinic

Our Outdoor Cat Clinic is a low cost spay/neuter and vaccination service for cats that are considered to be community or barn cats. These cats may be feral or friendly but must primarily live outside & have been on or around the property for at least 1 month or were brought to the property from another location.

  • Surgeries are offered by appointment only and limited space is available each week.
  • Please do not  sign up until AFTER you have caught the cat.
  • Your card will be charged at the time you register to secure your spot in the clinic. No refunds will be made & transfers to a different clinic are only eligible if discussed with a staff member a minimum of 5 days prior to the clinic.
  • The person that signs up MUST be the person to drop off the cat, unless approved by a staff member.
  • There is a 2 cat max per property per surgery day. 

Drop off is the morning of surgery, appointments are between 8:00 am- 8:30 am & pick up is between 4:00 pm-4:30pm.

One appointment is good for 2 cats

Program Pricing

Included for each cats
$ 40
per cat
  • Spay or Neuter
  • Left Ear Tip
  • FVRCP (Distemper) Vaccination
  • Rabies Vaccination (cats over 12 weeks)
  • Selamectin (flea, ear mite, roundworm, & hookworm)

A la Carte Options

Prices are in addition to Program Pricing
  • Microchip $20.00
  • FeLv/FIV Test $20.00
  • Injectable Antibiotics if Needed $20.00
  • Additional Treatments as Needed & Prices as Discussed
Program Information:

Since this program is for outdoor cats only, every cat who receives surgery will be painlessly ear-tipped under anesthesia during their surgery. This is to indicate to concerned parties who spot them outside that this cat has already been spayed or neutered, is not a lost stray, and do not need to be trapped or caught.


For additional help please select from the drop down menus below.

A trap deposit is $75 per trap and must be made with cash or check. When the trap is returned to WCHS undamaged, WCHS will return the deposit. There is no daily fee for trap rentals.

  • Use a separate trap for each cat. You will be more successful if you trap as many cats as possible in your first trapping session. 
  • Be sure to withhold food from the cats you intend to trap for 24 hours prior to trapping, as this will ensure the cats are hungry enough to enter the traps.
  • Enticing baits include tuna, sardines in oil or mackerel. If using a moist cat food, use a brand such as Fancy Feast which is highly desirable to a cat.
  • Use lids or very small containers as needed to hold the bait. Never keep wet food in the can.
  • To set the trap, pull the bottom door upward and attach it to the hook. This holds the door open and raises the trip plate, which will close the trap when the cat steps on it.
  • Make sure to have the trap covered with a sheet or towel to help the cat feel safer about entering the trap and to help keep the cat calm.
  • Check the trap every 2 hours if possible.
  • DO NOT attempt to remove the cat from the trap. Keep the covering on the trap and bring the cat into the clinic in the live trap. It’s normal for cats to thrash about inside the trap initially.

*If you inadvertently trap a wild animal, release the animal immediately.

  • Provide all cats with water.
  • Food should be withheld after 9 p.m. the evening prior to surgery, if possible.
  • On the day of surgery, cats should be brought in a carrier if friendly or a live trap if not able to be handled.

Full recovery from anesthesia may take up to 24 hours. During this time, it is important to follow these recovery recommendations:

  • Keep the cat in the trap in a safe, warm, quiet place away from other animals allowing them to rest. Limit interruptions to allow them to recover with minimal additional stress.
  • You can use a garage, basement, bathroom, or extra room, as long as it is safe and warm.
  • Elevate the trap on something like bricks with a sheet of plastic underneath, which will keep the cage and your space clean and dry.  
  • Do not put additional items, such as blankets or litterboxes, in the trap.  Only food and water dishes should be in the trap with the cat.  
  • Keep the trap covered loosely with a towel or sheet to help the cat relax and regulate body temperature.
  • Day of surgery offer small amounts of food and water after 6 pm, however if your cat becomes
    sick to his stomach, discontinue food until the next morning. As long as they are able to keep
    food in and don’t exhibit signs of illness, you can resume normal diet the day following

Cats do not require suture removal after surgery.


WCHS is not a full service clinic. We are not staffed to do any follow up care needed by your cat, this must be done at your
regular veterinarian or an emergency veterinarian if needed.

Do not release unless the cat is eating and fully alert.

  • Cats need to be returned to their original outdoor location and not relocated to another area.  Relocating them can put them in danger because they are not familiar with the area.

Do not release the cat while they are showing any of these concerning behaviors:

  • Excessive bleeding from the incision
  • Inability to lift head by evening
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Any abnormalities of the surgical site
  • Lethargy beyond the first day of recovery